Thursday, October 2, 2008

October brings COLOR!

Oh, how I love October! The colors here in Minnesota are just starting to burst and pretty soon there will be an explosion of color. It inspires me to paint more boldly and with more color.

As you can see on the left is the beginning colored paint-sketch of "Mountain Secrets" to add to my Mountain Messages Series.

This one was challenging. I did not know where "it" was going to take me. Yes, paintings talk to me sometimes! In this photo, I have reversed the image because I wanted to see what it would look like with the main mountains on the left. Ugh!! I do not like it at all! And thank goodness, that is not how I had planned it from the beginning. I first started "paint-sketching" this with the mountains on the right using just my fingers and paper towel, (I love VIVA!). Keeping with this series, I pushed my paints, (Golden Acylics), around on a 12"x12"x2" canvas being careful not to blend the colors too much. I used a small brush here and there for some tiny detail. My plan was mountains, sky, and a lake. I wanted to keep simple shapes and have brilliant colors dominate the piece.
I have since completed the painting and will post it this weekend. You will not believe how different it looks. I really am happy about this one! It is very colorful, bold and fresh. Come back soon and see the completed painting! I will Blog more about my thoughts during my painting process. For right now? I'm going out for a long walk and enjoy October's colors!!

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